Monday, 13 July 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Last Ten Books That Came Into My Possession

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This Week's Topic:

Last Ten Books That Came Into My Possession

Some of these books came to me through this amazing thing called Overdrive. (My library has made Overdrive accounts for all of its patrons. Awesome, right? I swear I have the best library in the WORLD.) Others came from BookCon. And the last bout of books were from the Guardian. THANK YOU, GUYS! 


You'll notice that a lot of these books aren't newly released, aka they were published some time ago. Overdrive doesn't always have the new releases I want, so I'm catching up on the older books. 



The following books came from BookCon as ARCs. All of these are NOT ones I am giving away for my BookCon Surprise Box giveaway. (Go check out my giveaway, though! You could get some AWESOME books.)
'The Rest of Us Just Live Here' was a lucky find. I stopped by the Epic Reads booth early on, and they had this book there. I snatched one up and got a magnet set and ran off. (I'm a ninja. I take all of the books and leave without anyone noticing me.)
'Another Day' was given to me by a friend I met in line for the Melissa de la Cruz signing. I went through signing line; she went to the morning breakfast. And she got this and 'Illuminae' for me! Such a nice girl! 
'Auggie & Me' was something I got into a line for. It was a short line, though. And I got it signed. AWESOME.


These two came from the Guardian. A review I wrote was featured on their recommendations post, and I got these two ARCs as a result. (The review was for 'We All Looked Up' by Tommy Wallach.) 



  1. The third one isn't bad. But it was a bit dull. But if you adore Akiva and Karou, you'll love it!

  2. Haha. Overdrive is awesome. I'm traveling right now, and without it...I would have NO BOOKS. -gasp- I'm trying to control my urges to borrow all the books on my wishlist.
    It's not too bad of a series. I didn't LOVE it or anything, but it was pretty good.
    I can't wait for the next book in Rae Carson's series. I'm in line for it right now. Are you going to read her Gold Rush book that comes out later in the fall?

  3. Nice haul! I just checked out We All Looked Up and I look forward to reading it. I've read the first three books of the Vampire Academy series but I want to read the spin-off series.

    Check out my Top 10 Tuesday and follow my blog:

    Thanks, xx!

    1. It's an okay book. I didn't adore it or anything.
      Ah. The spin off. I'm not sure I wan to read it at all. I'm good with Rose and Dimitri and Lissa and Christian.
