Saturday, 4 July 2015

Ask the Blogger: Stephanie from These Paper Hearts

Ask the Blogger

This time on Ask the Blogger...
I'll be interviewing Stephanie from These Paper Hearts.

Who is Stephanie?

Note: I do not own this photo. The credit goes to These Paper Hearts.

Stephanie is one of the two bloggers on These Papers Hearts. She owns it with her sister Jessica. They live in Michigan and enjoy reading books and watching Disney movies.

Disney is AWESOME. I have to agree.

These Papers Hearts posts reviews, blog tips/tricks, discussions, and memes. 

How did you get into book blogging?

I actually got into book blogging because of the desire to design my own website. I had just finished a class on HTML/CSS in college and it was summer time. I was really interested in learning more about HTML/CSS, but I needed a place where I could experiment and practice. I also loved reading books (surprise, surprise)! I was somewhat new to Goodreads and realized that quite a few people on Goodreads had book blogs. 

It didn’t take long after that to get my blog setup on Blogger and start playing around with the design. I started posting reviews there to add content, and before I knew it, I fell in love with this community and blogging in general. It kind of snuck up on me haha. I certainly didn’t realize then that this hobby would consume my time like it does now. :) 

How did you choose your blog name?

Well, originally I was Hopeless Romantics (because I love romance novels). That name as a spur of the moment decision that I didn’t put much thought into. It was also too common as I wasn’t the first search result on Google for that name. 

After thinking it over a lot with Jess, we decided to make the move to WordPress to change our name and get our own url. I went through a TON of ideas. I wanted something unique that was easy to search for and remember. The idea actually came to me when I was staring at my bookshelf and saw the book These Broken Stars. For whatever reason, I liked the ‘these’ and that it was three words long. I started playing around with word combinations and I liked the word ‘hearts’ since it related to romance still(it was on my romance related list) and ‘paper’ was on my list of book related words (I had a lot of lists for this haha). And that’s how These Paper Hearts came to be.

What are your top ten favorite series? Top ten favorite authors?


  1. The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas
  2. The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo
  3. The Malediction Trilogy by Danielle L. Jensen
  4. The Lux by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  5. My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison
  6. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
  7. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
  8. The Seven Realms by Cinda Chima Williams
  9. The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson
  10. Starbound by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

I don’t have many favorite authors, so this list will be short. Simply because, to really be one of my favorite authors, I have to enjoy the majority of their books.


  1. Janette Rallison
  2. Leigh Bardugo
  3. Jennifer L. Armentrout
  4. Kasie West

What is your favorite thing about book blogging?

I think what I love most about it is the exposure to so many different books that I probably wouldn’t have found on my own. Some of my favorite books I’ve read because of other blogger’s reviews or general book related features. Before blogging, all I had to use was the Goodreads lists to find new books or randomly looking through my library. 

I love getting other blogger’s opinions that I trust on books. It helps me avoid books that would be a waste of my time and discover new awesome books I didn’t know existed. It’s cool then for me, to review and recommend books on my blog to hopefully help other readers find new books or avoid bad ones. :)

Here's a kiss, kill, or marry. Chaol from 'Throne of Glass'. Samm from 'Partials'. Maxon from 'The Selection'.

Well… the only book I’ve read from these three guys is The Selection. And I HATED the ending to the second book, so I’ll going to have to kill Maxon for sure. Partials and Throne of Glass I haven’t read, but my sister, Jess, has. She said I should kiss Samm since he’s not human but really good looking and marry Choal because…idk lol. 

What book world would you go into?

Most people would probably say Harry Potter for this, but it seems too dangerous to me, especially with the Avada Kedavra spell. I think it would be cool thought to be Alina Starkov in Shadow and Bone. Except I would definitely give myself a different ending that she did :P

What is your 'Divergent' faction?

I just took a bunch of faction quizzes because I didn’t know lol and it looks like I’m Erudite. I guess because I like the color blue and learning new things haha :)

What is your 'Harry Potter' house? 

I just took 3 different sorting hat quizzes and I was Hufflepuff all 3 times.

Who is your OTP?

Hmmm this is a tough one. I think I’d choose Iolanthe and Titus from the Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas. I LOVE the romance in that series!!

What is your favorite reading snack/drink?

My favorite drink is diet coke. I don’t usually snack though when I’m reading. Maybe animal crackers.

Where is your favorite reading spot? 

I usually read in front of my computer at home. I have a really nice office chair that I feel comfortable sitting in for long periods of time.

Thank you, Stephanie!

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