Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Why You Should Staff InterBlogCon

Why should you join the InterBlogCon staff? Let me give you some pros and cons!

You will meet new people
With all the people who will attend and help, you'll definitely meet new people. From hosts to moderators to teachers to attendees, there are so many people to meet.

You will learn new things
With the teachers teaching everything under the sun, you'll learn something new every day. From blogging to life to books, there are so many opportunities.

You are able to meet people all over the world
This convention is international (it's in the name.) So you can meet people from the four corners of the world.

You can enter some awesome giveaways and contents
Winning prizes is always cool too! The con will have a fan art and cosplay contest where you could win prizes. Not into the artsy stuff, that's fine. There will be an overarching giveaway for all attendees.

I admit, it is a time commitment 
Being a part of InterBlogCon takes time. There's time for the con itself and for the preparations. You have to dedicate time for different aspects of the con.

It is also takes energy
To be a staff member or an attendee takes energy. As a staff member, you have to be connected with the hosts and other staff members. With the preparations, there is energy to be used to create forms, schedules, and whatever else we need.

But overall, the pros outweigh the cons.

We still have spots for teachers. Sign up here

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