Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Thoughts From the Suitcase: We're All One Big Community (I Guess?)

Okay. The book shimmy awards came out recently. There's a section that picks the best vlogger/blogger/bookstagramer. There are six vloggers, one bookstagramer, and one blogger. Check it out at the link below.

I was so excited to see Cait's name as the blogger who was chosen. She's great. A good friend of mine.
Mishma pointed something out. There are six vloggers. 
And that's when I got mad.
Okay, I believe we're all types of bloggers. Through pictures or videos or written word. We're all book lovers. We all share our opinions with the world. To me, we're a massive family. Not just vloggers or just bloggers or just bookstagramers. We should all work together. We should all be friends. 
So why are there more vloggers? Mind you, these awards are chosen by the people. And I know people are more on YouTube and all. That's how my generation spends their time. (In fact, I'm the only one of four people in my book club who doesn't watch booktube or YouTube in general. Sad, isn't it?) I'm not saying the vloggers on there don't deserve the attention. They're cool and all. (I've actually never seen a booktube vlog before. I'm just not interested in that. I'm on YouTube for anime and music only.)
But I still feel upset. Vloggers always seem to have way more attention than the rest if us. It makes me feel unequal. I feel like the scum on the bottom of someone's shoe, the castaway. (Okay. I'm being a bit dramatic. But still. You get the picture.) 
I went onto Twitter and asked Epic Reads why don't they make three categories for each different type of 'blogger'. There are totally awesome bloggers and bookstagramers out there. I'd love to share the love. Epic Reads agrees. They told me the nominees weren't their choice but their readers', but they hope to create more categories next year. 
And that's something that makes me smile. 


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