Saturday, 6 June 2015

BookCon Giveaway

The last two days of May (May 30 and 31) were BookCon.
I went to BookCon up in NYC. (I say up because I live in the South.)
I got a whole bunch of stuff. Ranging from books to bookmarks. ARCs to hardcovers. And posters and magnets.
Essentially, I got a lot of things. 
And, surprise, I don't want all these things. 

And this means...


Whoop whoop!

You just gotta enter below.

  1. You have to be in the USA. Sorry, international people. (I can't afford that expensive shipping.)
  2. You must be 13+ or with parental permission. (Don't want the 'rents being surprised by packages from strangers.)
This giveaway will be open for two months. (Yes, two months.) So get your entries in! 

Here are EXAMPLES of things you MIGHT win: (If you win and see something you REALLY want, tell me. I might get it in your box. Maybe.)


  1. Completely random but... I love the gif from Pitch Perfect. lol

    1. I love the movie, so I thought I would bring in a GIF. ;)
